Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Heart Check....

I have an extremely heavy heart tonight. It seems that so many sad and heartbreaking stories are unfolding around me. I was lying in bed a few nights ago wondering if it is better to know our babies and to have had time with them or to never know them. I have no answer for this. It isn't right and that is what I do know. A mother shouldn't have to carry her child and never meet him. She shouldn't have to leave the hospital with empty arms. A mother shouldn't have to bring a baby home from the hospital to die. She shouldn't have to love her baby for 14 months and have to say good-bye. These are situations I am wrestling with these days.
In light of these stories, I have decided that the only choice we have is to love well. I have to ask myself, "Am I loving well?" We don't know how long we have with those we love and this isn't limited to babies and children. My grandpa passed away suddenly, almost a year ago. I've been hearing stories of the "unthinkable" happening with no warning.
I challenge you to love those in your life well. We may not have a tomorrow to right the wrongs and treat people differently. I know I need this reminder. I fail so miserably at this!
I'm sorry this is so heavy and is truly a glimpse at my heart right now. If you believe in prayer, please pray for a friend tomorrow whose baby is in his final hours. An ultrasound will be done to check on him tomorrow.
Blessings to you friend. Love well.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! It is so true that we do not know how much time we have! I think of this often as I look into my children's eyes. I often ask God these "why" questions as well. I will be praying for these families as well as for you. That God will continue to work in your heart to show you ways to minister to these hurting friends.

Thanks again! Always appreciate your open heart!
Jenni Wallace

The McGregor Clan said...

I love that statement. "Am I loving well?" I said I thought about it before my Thomas died, but it certainly has taken on a different meaning and sense of urgency since his passing. Makes me want to make sure I don't miss a moment and attempt to live life without regrets. That is a good statement to live by.